What drives civically engaged student voters Voting rates among Arizona State University (ASU) students have increased since 2012. Still, young people tend to vote at lower rates than older individuals, and this is especially true in the United States. ASU’s student population is no exception. |
2021 Report: Mesa Residents’ Perceptions of the Mesa Police Department and Community Safety To help the Mesa Police Department understand Mesa residents’ current perceptions of policing in the community and attitudes toward potential reforms, a live telephone interview survey was conducted of Mesa residents. |
The Myth of Safe-Yield: Pursuing the Goal of Safe-Yield Isn't Saving Our Groundwater Forty years after the passage of the Groundwater Management Act, we are at a crossroads between success and not good enough. |
This study examines how housing and in-home supports affect public spending on individuals with chronic mental illness in Maricopa County, Arizona. It does so through a comparative analysis of average costs per person per year across three housing settings: permanent supportive housing, housing with unknown in-home support, and chronic homelessness. |
Arizonans are facing a growing problem: low- and middle-income rental housing has become increasingly unaffordable and scarce in one of the nation’s fastest-growing states. Rent increases have far outpaced inflation and wage growth. This surge in rental prices puts low- and middle-income renters at risk, and many Arizona renters have struggled to keep up. |
Water is the foundation of public health, economic opportunity, unique natural areas and quality of life in any community. |
Cost of Adverse Childhood Experiences in Arizona For more than 20 years, researchers and public health officials have studied the impact of adversity on the growth and development of children. Two decades of research has shown that early childhood adversity can increase the risk of experiencing negative health outcomes later in life. |
The Family First Prevention Services Act Policy changes rarely overhaul government systems. But recently the child welfare system experienced a policy shift that will significantly change the way child welfare operates in the United States. |
Return to Watering the Sun Corridor A lot has flowed under the bridge since the Morrison Institute issued Watering the Sun Corridor in August of 2011. That report was an attempt to explain to a general audience how the water systems of urban Arizona work, and how those systems could support a large population. |
At Morrison Institute for Public Policy, a research center within Arizona State University's Watts College of Public Service and Community Solutions, we combine academic rigor with the goal of informing real community change. |