Advisory Board Members


Jacob Moore

Jacob Moore

Vice President and Special Adviser to the President on American Indian Affairs

Arizona State University

Vice Chair

Lisa Urias

Lisa Urias

Director of the Office of Tourism

State of Arizona


Betsey Bayless
Betsey Bayless

President Emeritus

Valleywise Health
Ann Becker
Ann Becker

Vice President, Sustainability

Arizona Public Service Company
Kerwin Brown
Kerwin V. Brown

Executive Director

Tanner Community Development Corporation
Pearl Chang Esau
Pearl Chang Esau

Founder and CEO

Shan Strategies
Diego Espinoza
Diego Espinoza

Government Relations

Salt River Project
Max Gonzales
Max Gonzales

Executive Vice President, Strategy and Relationship Management

Chicanos Por La Causa Inc.
Paul Hickman
Paul Hickman

President and CEO

Arizona Bankers Association
Cynthia Lietz

Cynthia Lietz

Dean and President's Professor

Watts College of Public Service and Community Solutions

Richard N. Morrison
Richard N. Morrison


Morrison Institute for Public Policy
Mary Pahissa Upchurch

Mary Pahissa Upchurch

Senior Partner

Gray Associates, Inc.

Janice Palmer

Janice Palmer

Senior Vice President, Government Affairs and Public Policy

Helios Education Foundation


Greg Stanton
Greg Stanton

U.S. Representative

Arizona District 4
Brian Spicker

Brian Spicker

President and CEO

Maricopa Community Colleges Foundation 


John Lewis

John Lewis

President and CEO

PHX East Valley Partnership