Scene of Sedona, Arizona


Morrison Institute is a leading resource for relevant research, analysis and policy choices of public value. Recent research reports are listed below.

More Morrison Institute research reports are available in the Arizona State University archives.

ELL: What's at Stake for Arizona?

Reports and Publications

March 2013

Oscar Jiménez-Castellanos, Ph.D., Arizona State University

Mary Carol Combs, Ph.D., The University of Arizona

David Martínez, Arizona State University

Laura Gómez, Arizona State University

Poor by Choice: The Power of Leadership


February 2013

Steven G. Seleznow

"Poor by Choice: The Power of Leadership" was the title and focus of a presentation by Arizona Community Foundation President & CEO Steven G. Seleznow, who addressed The Arizona Leadership Forum in Phoenix on Feb. 8.

The State of Security in the US-Mexico Border Region

Reports and Publications

February 2013

Eric L. Olson, Erik Lee

This working paper lays out the principal challenges facing U.S.-Mexico land ports of entry, which function both to facilitate commerce between the two nations but also provides security. Co-author is Erik Lee, associate director of the North American Center for Transborder Studies (NACTS) at Arizona State University.

Good Data, Bad Data, No Data: A Critical Challenge Facing Arizona's Public Schools

Reports and Publications

January 2013

Bill Hart

If You Build It, They Will Come: Present and Future Housing Options for Arizonans with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities

Reports and Publications

December 2012

Morrison Institute

Arizona Directions 2013

Reports and Publications

November 2012

Andrea Whitsett, Sapna Gupta, Bill Hart

Arizona's Economic Development Landscape: Charting a Unified Course

Reports and Publications

November 2012

Ken Western

Arizona's Emerging Latino Vote

Reports and Publications

August 2012

Bill Hart, Eric Hedberg

Dropped? Latino Education and Arizona's Economic Future

Reports and Publications

April 2012

Bill Hart, CJ Eisenbarth Hager

Population Change in Arizona, Texas and the United States: Implications for Education and Economic Development

April 2012
Dr. Steve Murdock

Changing demographics presentation by Dr. Steve Murdock of Rice University at April 27, 2012 forum for new report, "Dropped? Latino Education and Arizona's Economic Future."