Potential for Enhanced Trade between Arizona and Guanajuato

Map showing Arizona and Guanajuato

Mexico is Arizona’s No. 1 trading partner with over $15 billion in trade annually. The bulk of Arizona’s international commerce is with Sonora, the immediate neighbor to the south, but there are other potential economic opportunities worth exploring across Mexico. Here the focus is on Guanajuato, one of Mexico’s most economically advanced states with robust international trading ties.

Watts College of Public Service and Community Solutions and Morrison Institute for Public Policy at Arizona State University researched the potential for enhanced economic ties between Arizona and Guanajuato, a state and capital city by the same name located in Central Mexico, 227 miles northwest of Mexico City and about 1,100 miles southeast of Phoenix.

Watts College and Morrison Institute partnered with the L. William Seidman Research Institute at ASU’s W.P. Carey School of Business to produce a detailed economic profile of Guanajuato in order to guide ongoing and future exploration of expanded trade with Arizona.


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