Forum 411: Yin and Yang Political Science

Reports and Publications

December 2008

Morrison Institute Staff

This third briefing in the Forum 411 series, revisits the role of government in turbulent times. Today, discussion about the fundamental role of government is again front page news as the nation grapples with the enormous consequences of the housing bust, credit crunch, and economic recession.The briefing asks:

By looking at how these agencies came to be, how their purposes have changed over time, and how the state’s expectations have altered, this briefing revisits the enduring question: What Do We Want from Government?

 • What is government for?

 • Is regulation the answer?

 • What do residents want from government under current times and circumstances?

 • What are they willing to pay for as expectations change?

“Yin and Yang Political Science” focuses on the role and regulation of five state and local entities that impact the daily lives of Arizonans, often in ways that are noticed by few, including the Arizona Corporation Commission; Central Arizona Project; the Industrial Commission of Arizona; the Flood Control District of Maricopa County; and the Arizona Department of Real Estate.