The APS Informed Perception Project

Reports and Publications

May 2011

David Daugherty, Erica Edwards, William Hart, Eric Hedberg, Monica Stigler, Christine Totura, Nancy Welch

Morrison Institute for Public Policy at Arizona State University led a public policy research team in a project to provide insight into priorities and preferences of Arizona residential utility customers for the development of future energy resource alternatives. Through the combination of quantitative and qualitative research, the project addressed four basic questions:

What are the energy preferences and priorities of residential utility customers among the resource choices?

What factors influence these preferences and priorities?

How does energy education affect attitudes and opinions about energy and energy planning?

Do changes in opinions and attitudes persist over time, or do they revert to their previous position?

Following exposure to an educational energy booklet and participation in the one-day Energy Forum event held Dec. 4, 2010, several primary findings emerged. These findings are highlighted in this report.