
Lessons from the Past: What Changes to Arizona’s Adjudication and Surface Water Statutes Will Survive Constitutional Review?

In 1995, the Arizona Legislature amended the state's adjudication statutes and other statutes that underlie surface water rights in Arizona. Those amendments led to five years of legal challenges that all but derailed the adjudication proceedings. In the end, the state Supreme Court ruled that most of the amendments were unconstitutional.

Kyl Water Center: In The News • 2020

Morrison Institute for Public Policy, June 12, 2020
Kyl Center Debuts the Arizona Water Blueprint, an Online Water Information Hub

Arizona Republic, April 14, 2020

Symposium on gun deaths in Arizona

Arizona Horizon reported that Arizona State University’s Morrison Institute for Public Policy and Center for Violence Prevention and Community Safety held a symposium on gun deaths in Arizona on January 29. The symposium covered Arizona’s violent death reporting system, firearm fatality facts and recommendations to reduce firearm violence.

Morrison Institute presents data on firearm deaths in Arizona

The State Press reported that Morrison Institute for Public Policy hosted a public presentation on firearm deaths in Arizona from the start of 2015 to the end of 2017 on Wednesday and highlighted that deaths have increased over that time period.

AZ-VDRS Gun Symposium

View the PowerPoint presentation.

Swimming pools and lush lawns? As water use slows, that image of Phoenix is changing

The Arizona Republic reported that large lawns and backyard pools were once common features of new homes in the Phoenix area, but not anymore.

A recent study of single-family homes in the Phoenix metropolitan area showed that nearly two-thirds of homes do not have a swimming pool.

Firearm Deaths in Arizona, 2015-2017

The purpose of this report is to provide descriptive statistics about firearm deaths in Arizona from 2015 to 2017. Morrison Institute for Public Policy partnered with the Center for Violence Prevention and Community Safety (CVPCS) to compile, analyze and report on all firearm deaths in a three-year period.

State of Our State 2019

Revisit the event. See the program in its entirety or watch each panel discussion and presentations.

What's on Tap for Arizona Water in 2020?

Phoenix New Times reported that each year, water becomes a little more scarce in the Southwest, and each year, everyone in Arizona jostles a tad more fiercely to hold onto their precious shares of this vital resource.