ASU Morrison Institute-Arizona Republic COVID-19 Poll 2020

Covid-19 Poll

The ASU Morrison Institute-Arizona Republic COVID-19 Poll is a census-balanced poll of Arizonans, regardless of their voter registration status. Morrison Institute fielded this poll in order to elevate the perspectives of all Arizonans to inform policy discourse and decision making.

The methodology, Morrison Institute analysis, codebook and polling data are available below.

Methods and Key Findings
Methodology COVID-19 Poll

Methodology (PDF)

COVID-19 Poll Policy Options

Government Response and Policy Options (PDF)

Economy and Housing

The Economy and Housing (PDF)

COVID-19 Education and Health

Education and Health (PDF)


Data Files and Codebook


Cross tabs (Excel)

This Excel file shows questions in the survey analyzed by each of the key analysis groups (education, income, etc.). The second tab outlines the demographic make-up of the sample and the remaining workbook includes a tab for each topic with the related questions and analysis groups for that topic.


General population data (Excel)

This Excel file is the raw data, but it only contains the general population sample. Using this file, you can run analyses on the general population (i.e., if you want to know what all Arizonans think) and all subgroups other than race/ethnicity and urban/rural/suburban.


All data (Excel)

This Excel file is the raw data for the entire sample. Using this file, you can run analyses on the general population and all subgroups, including race/ethnicity and urban/rural/suburban. People in rural areas, American Indians, and Hispanic people were oversampled to reduce the margins of error for these groups. Follow the instructions on the README tab to ensure you've filtered the data properly for the question you're trying to answer.

Codebook: COVID-19 Poll

Codebook (PDF)

This PDF contains the poll questions. You'll need this if you're looking at either of the raw data files above.